What Causes Hypertension?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often described as a silent killer, and affects 50 million Americans. Hypertension usually occurs without symptoms, but if your blood pressure gets really high you could develop headache, dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, or nose bleeds. Most people find out that they have high blood pressure by […]

Natural Blood Pressure Control – How to Control Hypertension With Natural Methods

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can be quite aptly referred to as the ‘silent killer’ because there are generally no symptoms or warning signs to indicate to you that you have a health problem. It may be a case of recognizing the symptoms of another health issue, that you will then find you also have […]

Choose Natural Over Pharmaceutical: High Blood Pressure Natural Remedies

Hypertension is considered to be one of the most common disease conditions. Perhaps we do not realize the magnitude that a high blood pressure diagnosis has attached to it. Even though it is common, it is a serious diagnosis. Hypertension is the reason for tens of thousands of deaths each year due to heart attack, […]

Hypertension No More! The Top 5 Tips and Remedies to Control and Reduce Your Blood Pressure For Good

If you have hypertension, then your risk of getting a heart attack, stroke or kidney disease is greatly increased. Hypertension is the silent stalker that absolutely requires your full attention. If you are suffering because your blood pressure is abnormally high, make sure you read this article now. In this article, I will share with […]

Hypertension Diets – Easy Ways to Eat High Blood Pressure Away

Hypertension diets are commonly used to lower high blood pressure. Foods enriched in nutrients, mainly calcium, potassium, magnesium, protein and fiber are recommended to lower blood pressure. Decreasing salt and sodium enhanced foods are typically included in all hypertension diets. The key to hypertension diets are foods low fat foods and lean meats, to stop […]

Heart Attack Symptoms : Heart Disease Factors

Common heart disease risk factors are age, excess body fat and high blood pressure. Find out more about common heart attack risks factors with expert tips from a certified emergency medical technician (EMT) in this free video on heart disease. Expert: Michael Herbert Bio: Michael Herbert is a certified emergency medical technician (EMT) with New […]

Exercise to Help High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has the distinction of being known as a silent killer. This is because people suffering from hypertension show may not show any outward signs of this ailment. And, whether it’s poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress or just some sort of genetic hiccup, the average American’s blood pressure is shooting higher and higher […]

Hypertension – How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Without Drugs

The treatment of high blood pressure without the use of pharmaceutical drugs is not a new phenomenon. It is becoming a more frequent method in the treatment of this condition based on the common opinion that high blood pressure is largely a result of our lifestyle habits. It is also the preferred way to treat […]

Cats Get High Blood Pressure Too: Monitor It

This machine produced by Thames Medical uses the Doppler system to accurately measure your cats blood pressure. Used carefully by cat health care professionals it gives great results. Produced in conjunction with Novartis Animla Health (www.novartis.com ), Thames Medical and Dr Andy Sparkes. The video was uploaded by Paul at SimplyCats a Cat Only Vet […]