CoQ10 in Treatment of Hypertension

Hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure is critically elevated. It has become a common disease and it is proven to be fatal. A lot of research has been conducted on how to cure its fatal effect and on how to prevent the occurrence of having one.

Remedies are devised and are medically discovered to aid people with this disease. Among the most recent discoveries is the vitamin-like substance and antioxidant, the Coenzyme Q10 or medically termed as ubiquinone or CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble vitamin-like substance present in all human cells. It helps in the production of energy within the cells and is required to maintain the health of human body organs.

CoQ10 is also a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals in the human body. The oxidative damage of tissues and the oxidation of LDL cholesterol caused by free radicals can be prevented or cured with the help of this enzyme.

The coenzyme Q10 exists in human cells and is manufactured by the human body.

Research shows that the Vitamin B-complex together with Vitamin C, niacin and folate aid in the conversion of an amino acid, tyrosine into coenzyme Q10.

While this enzyme is found throughout the body, much of its density is stored in the heart and liver.

The aging of individuals and some degenerative factors have caused the production of CoQ10 to deplete in the heart in which it has the highest levels of the coenzyme. The deficiency of this substance is prone to the attack of hypertension.

The cure to CoQ10 deficiency is by taking a supplement of the same substance. Studies have shown that by taking the correct amount of CoQ10, adverse effects of hypertension are experienced.

Many of the supplements containing CoQ10 are out in the market today. This has been regarded as an alternative therapy in the prevention and cure of hypertension.

Studies have been conducted concerning the beneficial effects of CoQ10 on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The results are promising, leading to its approval for use in some countries like Japan as a treatment for heart failures.

The dietary supplement of CoQ10 is available in some countries such as Japan, the United States of America and in Europe.

Its dosage for use is still critically studied as some mild side effects have been noted.

It is always important to consult the doctors first before taking this supplement as this might have effects in combining its medication with the conventional medical treatments.


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