Exercise For Pulmonary Hypertension

When blood pressure increases in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary capillaries, it is termed pulmonary hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a medical body condition when the pressure of the blood is always high. The main symptoms of pulmonary hypertension are shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, fatigue and cough. Angina pectoris, peripheral edema (swelling of the leg around ankles and feet) and hemoptysis or coughing up blood can be the other symptoms. These symptoms get exacerbated by exertion. It can become a severe disease leading to heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension can be classified into five different types: hypoxic, arterial, venous, thromboembolic or miscellaneous.

Since symptoms of pulmonary hypertension develop gradually, patients frequently delay seeing a doctor. Typically, pulmonary arterial hypertension does not come with orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, while pulmonary venous hypertension does. To find out the exact cause of the disease, the medical doctor conducts a thorough physical examination and checks the patient’s medical history. The family history is needed to find out whether the disease is genetic. Exposure to drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine and alcohol lead to cirrhosis and smoking leads to emphysema. These are considered significant while detecting pulmonary hypertension.

Frequently, the disease leads to a decreased exercise tolerance. But as per some researches, the right amount of exercise can offer psychological and physical benefits to a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension. Too much of exercise can lead to an increase in pressure on the pulmonary arteries leading to a right-sided heart failure. But, if patients exercise moderately without stopping the intake of medicines, it should not be a problem. Doctors, usually, advice pulmonary hypertension patients to start exercising moderately under medical supervision.

Despite proper medical treatments, lots of patients of pulmonary hypertension continue having the symptoms. Their physical abilities get reduced and this leads to depression and anxiety disorders. A moderate exercise regime helps patients to inhale oxygen in a better manner leading the heart to work less. Research suggests moderate exercise and respiratory training improves the capacity of oxygen consumption among the patients thus helping them psychologically and physically.

There are no particular exercises that patients with pulmonary hypertension can do. Available research suggests that moderate and regular physical activities help in maintaining muscle tone, physical and mental well-being, and from time to time, improving probability of long-standing survival. Actually, some researches suggest that physical inactivity can be detrimental to patients suffering from left heart failure.

However, patients suffering from pulmonary hypertension should always remember not to over-exercise at any time. One should not exercise to the point where symptoms like chest pain, light-headedness or severe shortness of breath develop. To find out how much exercise is reasonable, patients need to talk to their doctors. The exercise plan will vary depending on the individual patient’s capacity.

Usually, light resistance training of small muscle groups and light to moderate aerobic activity are the exercises that are recommended. Any outside activity should be avoided during too hot or too cold weather. Patients should not exercise upper and lower limbs at the similar time. Those having a history of dizziness or fainting throughout any physical activity should refrain from exercising regularly.

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