Learn About Vitamins That Are Helpful For Hair Loss in Women

Review of Vitamins that help slow hair loss in women Women develop hair loss as frequently as men do, but because of hormonal differences, women don’t lose as much hair volume. Because of the difference in hair styling, women hide hair loss more efficiently. They have a different pattern of hair loss. Reasons for Hair […]

Fruits and Vegetables That Lower Blood Pressure – Try These Before You Start Taking Pills!

Stop! Don’t take any pills to lower your blood pressure before you consider the alternatives. One such alternative is to include fruits and vegetables that lower blood pressure in your diet. Going on to medication for hypertension is a big step because once you start taking them it is highly unlikely you will ever be […]

How To Lower Blood Pressure With a Whole Foods Eating Plan

Most people are aware that the standard American diet full of salt and processed food is unhealthy. It causes a wide variety of issues ranging from diabetes to heart disease to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is particularly worrisome because it can lead to many other health issues. If you have high blood pressure […]

Vitamins For A Fatty Liver Disease Diet – The Controversy

Vitamins for a fatty liver disease diet have been a topic of debate when it comes to the best way to reduce fat in your liver. Some vitamins and minerals are great for the liver in certain quantities, but can be extremely harmful in excess. Others can be beneficial and liver friendly, but they can […]

Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the arterial walls as it flows through them. It is normal to experience high blood pressure when you exert yourself. But if you experience high blood pressure even as you rest, it means that you are suffering from hypertension. High blood pressure can be controlled with […]

Four Hour Body – Fatigue Fighter – Metabolism Equalizer

www.fourhourbody.com http Drew Canole and Brooks Hollan are adopting principles of the Four Hour Body and applying them to their normal nutrition and diet. Juicing is something Drew is a huge advocate of. The benefits of liquid vegetables with the slow carb diet are amazing. Tim talks about grapefruit juice and how it speeds up […]

What Vitamins Improve Libido and Boost the Female Sexual Life

You might be asking, “What vitamins improve libido?” Indeed if you would want to obtain higher performance and achievement in bed, there should be something that you can take to significantly enhance your libido as a woman as this will not just boost your sexual energy but will as well affect your confidence. What vitamins […]