The Dangers of High Blood Pressure and How You Can Avoid Them

High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension as it is also known, is a condition whereby the subject exhibits persistently elevated blood pressure level above the normal 120/80 mm Hg.

High blood pressure is always alarming, especially if we will consider the perils that are possible during the period of elevated measurement. An episode of hypertension is much akin to having the proverbial Sword of Damocles hanging above the subject’s head, ready to fall at any time.

Below are the 6 biggest dangers of chronic high blood pressure. Risk calculations were derived by using the hypertension calculator provided by the American Heart Association.

1. HBP increases the risk of suffering from a stroke (cerebrovascular accident, or CVA). A 40 year old male with normal body mass index (BMI) and 10 points above the systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels is 4.1 times more likely to suffer from a stroke.

2. HBP increases the risk of suffering from a heart attack (myocardial infarction). A 40 year old male with normal BMI and 10 points above the systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels is 2.6 times more likely to suffer from a heart attack.

3. HBP, especially that of a chronic variety, increases the risk of total heart failure (hypertensive cardiomyopathy). A 40 year old male with normal BMI and 10 points above the systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels is 2.1 times more likely to suffer from heart failure.

4. HBP increases the risk of blindness caused by damage to the retina (hypertensive retinopathy).

5. HBP increases the risk of damaging the kidneys and hampering their renal functions (hypertensive nephropathy). A 40 year old male with normal BMI and 10 points above the systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels is 2.1 times more likely to develop a kidney disease.

6. HBP can cause dizziness, severe headaches, disorientation, convulsion and even loss of consciousness (hypertensive encephalopathy).

How does one avoid these potentially fatal dangers of hypertension?

The preventive solution is to maintain normal blood pressure by living a healthy lifestyle composed of proper exercise and a balanced diet. Additionally, achieving and maintaining one’s ideal weight, moderating sugar and sodium intake, staying away from unhealthy vices like tobacco-dependence and alcoholism, and taking time to relax and defeat the stress brought about by the demands of daily life will make a person resistant against developing chronic blood pressure elevation.

The reactive solution, on the other hand, is something that most people will seek. After all, people usually try to remedy a problem when the problem is already there.

So, what can a person do when he is already suffering from this condition?

In a nutshell, the subject must lower his blood pressure, though not immediately, expediently.

Medications such as ACE inhibitors, Diuretics, direct rennin inhibitors, alpha and beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers – collectively called antihypertensives, are the most popular remedies, mainly because they are known to provide the speediest results. These, however, are suggested only for severe cases of elevated blood pressure. Like any kind of medication, these antihypertensives are not free from potential side effects. The fact they are quite varied makes it even more difficult for users to determine whether or not a particular anti-hypertension drug is safe for them.

There is a growing movement that is promoting natural hypertension cures that are free from costly, synthetic medications. These natural methods aim to help people live healthier and safer lives free from the perils of chronic high blood pressure.Discover more natural ways of curing high blood pressure by visiting

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