About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications

What is Hypertension?

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, better known as PPH, is considered to be a very rare kind of disease that is diagnosed only to patients who are suffering from hypertension with no obvious cause. PPH is not a very common medical condition, and there are approximately less than 500 new patients that are diagnosed every year. Thus, it is hard to study PPH to see how it develops in peoples’ lives.

Despite the relatively low figures regarding the amount of people who are suffering from PPH, it actually causes of death for more than 2,500 people each year. About 1 out of 80 patients that are admitted into hospitals suffer from symptoms related to PPH. This tells us that there are a lot of people who are yet to be diagnosed with PPH, and while its occurrence is approximately equal across all age groups and genders, there is a significantly larger incidence of this disease in women aged between 20 and 40. However, this is just a rough approximation since there is so little information available about the disease.

Symptoms of PPH include breathlessness (especially after an exercise), fatigue, dizziness and fainting. There are even cases whereby the sufferers of PPH have their lips and skin turn blue. When these symptoms develop, it indicates that the sufferer is no longer in the early stages of PPH. Being a progressive disease, PPH will gradually become worse if you leave it untreated. It is highly advisable that you consult a physician if you suffer from any of these symptoms. It the disease is left untreated for some time, it would become more and more difficult to treat.

With this said, it is important for us to be aware of our own health since the symptoms of PPH are common ailments that do not necessarily indicate a deadly disease. Headaches and dizziness can occur simply when a person is stressed out; this is the reason why so many people leave their PPH disease alone – they have no idea they are suffering from PPH until their skin turns blue. Doctors who are negligent can also allow for the worsening of PPH as they often pass off patients’ worries over symptoms like breathlessness, dizziness and fatigue as something minor which does not warrant a full body check up.

In general, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension slows down and restricts blood flow from the heart to your lungs as it causes your pulmonary artery to grow narrower. This makes the pumping of blood to the lungs very difficult. As a result, your heart works much harder to pump the same amount of blood to your lungs as before, and if it cannot take the extra stress, you may actually suffer from heart failure (touch wood!).

Although PPH is such a devastating disease, its actual cause still remains unsolved. Unfortunately, researchers are still trying to unable to find the root cause of it. Many have thought that drugs like Avandia and Fen-Phen are what that causes PPH, even though this has not been scientifically proven.

Jan Oliver is an academic, writer and researcher in natural health. See more of her work at http://www.control-your-blood-pressure.com/ – Discover genuine natural ways to lower blood pressure immediately. Click Here to get your free report on dealing with blood pressure

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications