Exercise to Help High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has the distinction of being known as a silent killer. This is because people suffering from hypertension show may not show any outward signs of this ailment. And, whether it’s poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress or just some sort of genetic hiccup, the average American’s blood pressure is shooting higher and higher […]

Tips To Help Lower High Blood Pressure

Many people ask themselves How-Can-I-Lower-High-Blood-Pressure (also known as hypertension). Your doctor can prescribed medication to help treat this ailment, however it will be extremely beneficial to incorporate a lifestyle change by choosing a healthy diet, exercise and relaxation techniques – doing so can reduce hypertension and even eradicate it completely. Some Tips to lower high […]

Control High Blood Pressure With Natural Remedies

The ailment of high blood pressure is one of those diseases which kill stealthily and though most people affected by it are completely unaware of it, studies show that this ‘silent killer’ affects 1 out of every 3 adults. It happens when narrow arteries inhibit the free passage of blood from the heart. But take […]