Proven Alternative to Cure Hypertension

It is estimated that no less than 600 million people worldwide are affected by hypertension. Described as a ‘silent killer’ hypertension causes 5 million premature deaths each year (World Health Organisation) and the numbers are rising. There are two kinds of hypertension: primary hypertension, which cannot be attributed to any one thing, and secondary hypertension, […]

Differentiating Heartburn from Angina Symptoms You may have heard these conditions referred to collectively as “heartburn angina symptoms,” but don’t be mislead. The two are totally different conditions involving completely separate organ systems. Distinguishing between ordinary heartburn and angina symptoms can be difficult, yet its extremely important. While heartburn is typically merely a nuisance, angina can be a sign […]

Calcium-Channel Blockers For Hypertension

All hypertensive patients who are undergoing an anti-hypertensive treatment agree on one goal – and that is to lower their high blood pressure. One of the controversial medications is the calcium-channel blockers. Calcium-channel blockers, or sometimes referred to as calcium blockers, have been around lately in the field of anti-hypertensive drugs. Debates recently have stirred […]