High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension

Common Characteristics High blood pressure, or hypertension, is often referred to as “the silent disease” because it has no symptoms until it reaches an advanced state. Very often, it is detected during a routine doctor’s visit or high blood pressure screening program. Even then, several measurements may be needed to make a definite diagnosis of […]

Hypertension Medications – Finding the Best Agent to Lowering Blood Pressure

Despite constant attempts to utilize alternate means of treating the condition often referred to as the “silent killer,” hypertension medications proves to be the most common treatment. Medical professionals generally prescribe a variety of medications to treat patients that suffer with high blood pressure. In most cases, these medications are effective and they prove to […]

Hypertension In A Nutshell

Blood pressure is expressed as two components, with a larger top number (systolic pressure) and a smaller bottom figure (diastolic pressure). These readings are measured in millimeters of mercury. The systolic pressure reflects the heart’s contraction as blood is forced out of the heart; the diastolic measure reflects the pressure during the heart’s resting stage […]