Qigong Research Society qigongresearchsociety.com Master Faxiang Hou

A Master of Medical QiGong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, FaXiang Hou is the fifth generation of his family to practices a unique and powerful form of healing known as “Ching Loong San Dian Xue Mi Gong Fa.” Fibromyalgia, back pain , herniated disc, infertility, fertility, migraines,headaches. Menopause, Prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarion cancer , chemotheraphy […]

Natural Substitutes For Beta Blockers

Beta-Adrenergic Blockers are medicines that are used for patients with high blood pressure. But like any other medicine even these have various adverse effects and that is why people as well the doctors and scientists are now looking for natural replacements and substitutes of these beta blockers. For instance, people who have asthma are not […]