Breathe Stress Relief with Adi – Inside Yoga Today Ep. 21

Lower your blood pressure, curb stress, and bring balance to both sides of your brain in this breathing sequence with Adi. The practice is called Nadi Shodhana Pranayama and translates to “channel cleaning.” Try it out and let the layers of stress and anxiety peel away. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Tai Chi Chuan Spectacular Sunrise [tàijíquán, t’ai chi ch’üan, taichi, taiji, taijiquan]

Tai chi chuan, tàijíquán, t’ai chi ch’üan, taichi, taiji, taijiquan, ???, ???, TIE-chee, Chinese martial art Tai chi The ancient art of tai chi uses gentle flowing movements to reduce the stress of today’s busy lifestyles and improve health. The health benefits include: improved circulation, balance and posture; increased strength and flexibility; and reduced stress. […]

Essential Vitamins & Minerals to Keep Acne at Bay – Vitamins A, B, C, E

Vitamins are needed for your body to function as God decrees. Lacking in certain vitamins such as vitamin A (vitamin A itself, not it’s derivatives) has found to be causes of acne. Remember that excess vitamins will become toxic in your body. (well, except vitamin C which will be passed out as expensive urine) Since […]

Diabetic Neuropathy of Your Feet Affects Balance – What You Can Do to Prevent Falls!

As many as one in two people with type 2 diabetes eventually develops a condition of chronic nerve damage in their feet known as diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Glucose, the type of sugar in your bloodstream, pours into your nerve tissues that at first can covert it into fructose and sorbitol for storage. Over a period […]

Tai Chi 42 Forms Part 1 to 4 – Total Demo by Miss Ng Ah Mui

Tai Chi 42 Forms Part 1 to Part 4 – Total Demo. This Tai Chi is the format used in international competitions. Tai Chi: An Exercise in Anti-aging Tai chi, the choreographed meditative exercises that have been a healing art in China for thousands of years, is practiced by over 100 million people worldwide and […]

Hypertension Sufferer’s Diet – What Are the Processed Foods to Avoid

Unknown to many, unprocessed, or natural foods already contain sodium chloride sufficient enough for our body’s needs, hence, obtaining salt through natural food is not a problem. It is with the intake of processed foods that our body gets to encounter sodium chloride content that causes high blood pressure problems. Returning to natural diets is […]

How to Treat Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Naturally Through Diet and Supplements

In this article I will show you exactly how to relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure, and actually lower your blood pressure, quickly and easily using natural methods. High blood pressure is an increasingly common disorder in the developed world, and is usually caused by atherosclerosis (where the arteries narrow and thicken), arterial tension […]

Essential Vitamins For Women – Knowing What Your Body Needs

The body of a woman needs to have the proper nutrients, which includes both vitamins and minerals, in order to be at it’s best. Unfortunately most of the essential vitamins for women are not taken in through diet today, so taking a good multi vitamin is one of the best ways to make sure that […]