Beta Blockers in Essential Hypertension

Essential hypertension is a term generally used for hypertension originated from unknown causes. Most of the people experience this type of hypertension. Hypertension is when the pressure exerted by the blood over the arteries walls is higher than it should be. The average or normal pressure reading is below 120mmHg/80mmHg. Any person with a reading […]

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally! Prescription Medications May Be Killing You

Taking blood pressure medications sucks. Every day you have to take medications, sometimes numerous, that you know are going to make you feel crappy. Then there is a the prohibitive cost of these medications. They are far from being cheap. Let us look at some medications and their more common side effects. Remember, to get […]

How To Stay Safe When Taking High Blood Pressure Medication

High blood pressure is treated with many different groups of medicines. Each group affects the body in a different way. Depending on your full assessment, your doctor may decide you need a single medicine, or a combination of two or more. Beta blockers are one group. They slow the heart down. They also reduce the […]

Buy Hypertension Drugs – A Guide of Effective Remedies to Treat Hypertension

Hypertension can become a serious illness and if you are reading this page, the chances are high that you or somebody in your life is suffering from it in a serious way. There are many drugs and remedies that you can buy to help lower high blood pressure and improve hypertension. However, it is of […]

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Treatment Options

Hypertension is typically treated by making changes in your lifestyle, and with drug therapy. Lifestyle Changes to Treat Hypertension Lifestyle changes include eating a healthy diet (such as the DASH diet, which includes lowering sodium but including daily servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods), stopping smoking, losing weight, and getting enough exercise, especially […]

High Blood Pressure Medicine – Did Your Doctor Tell You All the Risks?

Most Americans who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure have been prescribed one or more of the high blood pressure medication types to correct their condition. Each category of drugs can lower blood pressure but may create new, equally serious medical conditions in the process. Make sure you fully understand the risks. If your […]

Hypertension In A Nutshell

Blood pressure is expressed as two components, with a larger top number (systolic pressure) and a smaller bottom figure (diastolic pressure). These readings are measured in millimeters of mercury. The systolic pressure reflects the heart’s contraction as blood is forced out of the heart; the diastolic measure reflects the pressure during the heart’s resting stage […]

High Blood Pressure Medication – What’s Best For You?

High blood pressure medication can be a confusing topic and that’s unfortunate because it has such a huge impact on the quality of your life if you suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. Controlling high blood pressure without medication is obviously the best of all possible worlds, but in some circumstances that’s just not […]