Treating High Blood Pressure With Homeopathy

Hypertension, or abnormally high blood pressure, affects over a half a billion people globally. Hypertension is a silent killer, which shows no symptoms while it causes damage to the kidneys, heart, brain, and eyes. Many do not realize they have the disease and are at risk of a stroke, going blind, heart disease, and kidney […]

Alternative Blood Pressure Treatment – The Hawthorn Option

Every year millions of people are diagnosed with hypertension, or high blood pressure, and millions more develop it without ever being diagnosed. If you are someone trying to cope with high blood pressure, you know that it is not as simple as finding a safe and effective medication, and returning to business as usual. You […]

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure With Natural Herbs

Are you wondering how to lower your blood pressure with herbs? You’re not alone. Many people who suffer from high blood pressure have trouble contending with the irritating side effects that come with prescription medications. These side effects include erectile dysfunction, sleeplessness, mood swings, fatigue, bowel cramps, and more. As a result, people are turning […]