Preventing Strokes in People With Type 2 Diabetes!

Strokes are the result of ‘accidents’ involving blood vessels in your brain. These ‘accidents’ can consist of bleeding into the brain or of blockage of a blood vessel, so part of the brain suddenly cannot receive a supply of blood and brain cells in that area die due to lack of oxygen. According to an […]

ACE Inhibitors For Hypertension

Another form of anti-hypertensive agent is ACE inhibitors. It gets its game from the fact that it inhibits the formation of angiotensin converting enzyme an important component in the body that is helpful in forming angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is responsible in restricting or limiting the blood vessel muscles to contract during the pumping of […]

Curing Hypertension Through Surgical Operation

The hope of curing hypertension through surgical operation is increasing as the first attempt to reduce and permanently cure a persistently elevated blood pressure was made in Britain recently. All attempts before now seemed to only offer a palliative rather than curative hope for the hypertensive patient. Recently however, a renal surgery was carried out […]

How To Reduce Hypertension Naturally – This Is How To Treat High Blood Pressure Without Medication!

Hypertension is a health condition that is a characterized by a blood pressure value of 140/90 and above. This condition is dangerous for the body, not only because it causes the heart to work harder, but also because it creates atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and increases the chances of coronary disease and stroke (which […]