Qigong Research Society qigongresearchsociety.com Master Faxiang Hou

A Master of Medical QiGong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, FaXiang Hou is the fifth generation of his family to practices a unique and powerful form of healing known as “Ching Loong San Dian Xue Mi Gong Fa.” Fibromyalgia, back pain , herniated disc, infertility, fertility, migraines,headaches. Menopause, Prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarion cancer , chemotheraphy […]

Health Supplements – Vitamin E and Its Benefits

Are you vitamin E deficient? A lot of times, our doctors tell us we’re deficient in something we don’t even really know about. So, we take health supplements without even understanding why. What is vitamin E deficiency about? And why do we need vitamin E anyway? What benefits does it give our bodies? First and […]

How to Enhance Your Breasts – 7 Effective Minerals and Vitamins

You can now finally be the wearer of that sizeable bra that will get everyone turning to notice you. And it won’t have to go the surgery way. You can now benefit from breast enhancement in a completely natural and virtually low cost process ad still attain a full size that improves both your attractiveness […]

CoQ10 – A Supplement Everyone Over the Age of 40 Should Take

CoQ10, or Coenzyme Q10, is a vital antioxidant found in every cell of our bodies. It is also known as ubiquinone. It was not discovered until 1957, and was not available inexpensively until the last decade. Low CoQ10 levels are associated with many illnesses and medical conditions. Taking CoQ10 helps with coronary heart problems, many […]

How Vitamins Deficiencies And Joint Pain Are Related

If you suffer from an illness that causes joint pain, such as osteoarthritis, it is possible that vitamin deficiencies might be contributing to the problem. Although using vitamin supplements including vitamin D, the antioxidant vitamins A,C and E, and essential fatty acids will not cure your joint pain, they can significantly relieve your symptoms and […]

Total Cancer cure 1 /17 (miracle Stem Cells)

A new method of cancers treatment even for final stage cancer patient… no hair lost or surgical operation to cut off breast, liver,lung tumors. Stem cells therapy being used to ensure clearance of all cancers cells in the body. Stem Cells also can be apply to treat stroke, alzheirmer patients, effectively cure aging silkness like […]