How to Reverse Diabetes Like a Reality Show Contestant

Are you wondering how to reverse diabetes? Many type 2 diabetics are wondering how a contestant from a recent Biggest Loser show managed to lose weight, cure high blood pressure and cure diabetes. How to reverse diabetes is a major question that many people are asking. Is it possible? Can you really do it in […]

Fitness Nutrition – 3 Essential Nutrients For Optimum Power and Vitality

If you take regular exercise you may know that to perform at your best ability involves a number of factors. Two important factors include how you exercise and the diet you eat. The body needs essential nutrients and vitamins to even do the basic tasks. However, when it comes to physical training the body needs […]

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Diet – Are You Eating Your Way to an Early Grave?

Changing what you eat can have a major effect on your blood pressure. And it’s necessary to focus both on what IS in your diet, as well as what’s NOT in your diet. We’ve all heard that the healthy diet includes limiting fats and simple carbohydrates such as sugar. But did you know there’s a […]

How Nutrients Work in Our Body

Nutrients from food are absorbed by the body as it passes through the digestive system: Nutrients are essential for cell growth, maintenance and repair. Nutrients provide energy to enable your body to function efficiently. Nutrients, along with fiber and water, are essential to your good health. Although nutrients can work alone, each depends upon the […]