Differentiating Heartburn from Angina Symptoms

www.megavista-health.com You may have heard these conditions referred to collectively as “heartburn angina symptoms,” but don’t be mislead. The two are totally different conditions involving completely separate organ systems. Distinguishing between ordinary heartburn and angina symptoms can be difficult, yet its extremely important. While heartburn is typically merely a nuisance, angina can be a sign […]

Choosing the Right Cold or Flu Medication for Those with High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is an increasingly common affliction, and with it comes the increasing danger of unknowingly putting yourself at risk of new or increased blood pressure issues as a result of the use of over the counter medications as common as cold and flu medicines that are readily available. How is it that medicines […]

Useful Information About Hypertension

Hypertension is the medical term for a condition in which the arterial blood pressure is consistently above the normal range. A blood pressure reading consists of two numbers. The number at the top represents systolic pressure. This is the amount of pressure that the heart generates when pumping blood out through the arteries. The number […]

Ayurvedic and Dietary Treatments for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is the condition when the blood flow in the arteries and veins is forced under a higher pressure than normal. This can happen due to the weakness of the heart or due to the buildup of cholesterol in the coronary arteries, which can reduce their lumen. Today, most people in […]

Richard Moore, MD, PhD; Diabetes problems are NOT caused by high blood sugar

fatnews.com Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ FatNews.com. This is an excerpt from a letter by Richard Moore, MD, PhD dated August 31, 2009. The treatment of diabetes is based upon the idea that the main role of insulin in the body is to lower blood sugar (glucose) levels. Indeed, blood sugar levels rise in […]

Salt Health Risk – American Medical Association Says Reduce

www.saltsucks.com Salt is unhealthy in the excess quantities we are exposed to. Corporate America has conditioned us to crave double the amount of salt we used 40 years ago. Why? Because they have to use salt to increase the shelf life of foods – especially chain restaurants. They cant afford to prepare fresh meals at […]

How to Use Diabetes Natural Treatment to Cure Diabetes – The Herbal Home Remedies

Diabetes is a severe disease that is affecting millions of folks around the globe. Only in United State of America more than seventeen million of people are affected with it and in several countries it has caused a lot of deaths. It is in fact a metabolic disorder where the body does not produce or […]