The Best Way to Overcoming Hypertension Is Exercise

Hypertension can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, for it is highly recommended that lowered blood pressure. In order to prevent hypertension do regular exercise and eating healthy foods. This method is very effective for those who have had hypertension. In order to familiarize yourself; exercising in some people this is of course […]

Hypertension in Children – Related to Poor Diet?

Hypertension is chronic high blood pressure. In the past, this was a condition usually only seen in older adults. However, an increasing number of children are being diagnosed with hypertension. What is the cause of this alarming trend? According to the majority of leading researchers, the cause for this trend is diet. Because more parents […]

Leonardo da Vinci: “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”

Edwin Mullins presents his ideas on this painting, and Leonardo Kenneth Clark, from his “Looking at Pictures”, on “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”: Being used to the iconography of Italian painting, I can see that it is meant to represent the Virgin Mary, her mother, St Anne, and the Infant Christ; but could […]

Pregnancy Tips For Diabetes

It is possible to handle diabetes during pregnancy. Just like any other types of physical activity, pregnant women should exercise carefully. If you have any questions about specific activities, feel free to consult your physician. Exercise affects not only the mother, but her unborn child, too. Although being diagnosed with the pregnancy form of this […]

Natural Plant Based Health Supplements and Their Benefits

Natural health supplements are products derived from plant extracts and are mostly used for medicinal healing purposes. Among divergent uses of the products are self healing, treatment of diseases, improvement of immune systems and promoting good health. Where to Find Health Supplements Natural health supplements can be found in – • Pharmacies where they are sold […]

Diabetes Management? Managing A Child’s Diabetes At School

Diabetes Management? Managing A Child’s Diabetes At School Article by Kalia Doner As the school year winds down, parents of children with diabetes may want to take a few minutes to evaluate their child’s relationship with the school. Was the school staff able to handle any problems that arose this year? “There needs to be […]

Do You Know What is in Your Children’s Vitamins? It is Shocking!

Do you happen to know for sure what is in the childrens vitamins that you give your child? If you knew what many name brand vitamins contain, you would be surprised. There is at least one name brand vitamin (mentioning no names) that contains five items that you will find most perturbing. If you have […]