10 Holiday Diet Strategies to Help Keep You Lean, Fit and Sexy!

During the holidays we all need to jam pack our damage control diet strategies arsenal. Some of us have some pretty practical strategies, others may need a little help. Here’s a little help…10 sure fire strategies you can use to ‘indulge without the New Year bulge’ 1.) You know you are going to be tempted […]

Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Fast

Normal blood pressure for an adult is generally 120 (systolic)/ 80 (diastolic) High blood pressure is divided into different levels: 1. Prehypertension (120-139/80-89) 2. Borderline (120-160/90-94) 3. Mild (140-160/95-104) 4. Moderate (140-180/105-114) 5. Severe (160+/115+) More than eighty percent of people with hypertension are in the borderline-to-moderate range. Dietary and lifestyle changes can bring most […]