Aneroid Blood Pressure Monitor: Why and How Should You Use One?

High blood pressure is a chronic disorder which has to be kept under control to ensure that the ensuing ailments stay at bay. The class of drug and the dosage used to control the condition will often depend on the patient’s specific medical needs. Most experts suggest that the only way to rein in the […]

Should I Replace My Digital Blood Pressure Monitor Every So Often to Ensure Accuracy?

Gone are the days when you have to master the use of aneroid blood pressure monitor. Today, there are now digital blood pressure monitors that can make monitoring work easier for people. One issue with this new monitor is its durability and reliability. Aneroid monitors can be calibrated time and again to ensure that they […]

Natural Remedies and Control of Hypertension

Natural remedies for controlling hypertension rely on the patient’s ability to monitor his own blood pressure so that the individual is well informed about the rise or fall of the readings. Indeed a person whose blood pressure is high ought to keep a journal of his daily readings. The Sphygmomanometer aka “sphyg” is the common […]