Kidney Disease and Diabetes in the Elderly

The kidneys are two fist-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. They filter your blood in order to rid the body of impurities that can cause damage to your body. Kidneys also work to control blood pressure and produce hormones critical to bodily function. Kidneys are comprised of smaller structures called nephrons which […]

Lower Blood Pressure – Tips to Bring Your Numbers Down

Keeping your blood pressure in control is very important for your overall health. When your blood pressure rises you can be on your way to several health conditions. In this article you will find tips on how to lower your blood pressure, reasons and causes of it. Some great ways to lower blood pressure are […]

Hypertension Home Remedies – 6 Easy Steps

Hypertension is a potentially serious condition.? Most people are aware that untreated high blood pressure can cause a strain on your heart and cardiovascular system.? But neglected hypertension can cause a stroke, kidney failure as well as a fatal heart attack.? Follow these six steps to try to reduce your risk profile. 1.? Live your […]

Natural Remedies For Your Hypertension

With all of the horrible side affects, and dangerous risks of traditional prescription medication, more and more people are looking for natural remedies to help control or cure their hypertension. Some natural remedies will work, and will be approved by your doctor, while others will not. Before you use any natural remedy for hypertension, make […]

High Blood Pressure In Adolescents

High blood pressure, which is also known professionally as hypertension, is a state where the pressure of the blood flowing through your arteries is significantly higher than standard. Most medical professionals will state that the starting point for people more than eighteen years of age is 120/80. However, there are factors that could render those […]