Omega-3 Supplements Improve Blood Pressure in Overweight Teens

Each time your heart beats, its powerful muscles send blood through the arteries. Maintaining a normal blood pressure is critical to one’s health, as hypetension damages the arteries and increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack. It’s especially important to maintain healthy blood pressure early in life; prehypertension in adolescence can get carried […]

Why Omega 3 Fish Oils Are Important For Health

Omega 3 oils have been called “the miracle food of the 21st century”. Many health professionals and health organizations, including the American Heart Association, agree that there are many nutritional health benefits that can be gained by taking Omega 3 fats. Numerous research studies have shown that omega 3 oils can help prevent heart disease, […]

Omega 3, 6, 9 Oils – Essential Oils for a Healthy Body

We are being bombarded each day about information on omega 3 6 9 oils and supplements. Listening to so many facts and figures might get complicated for the common man. You need information about each of these but in a simpler and intelligible manner and this is exactly what we give you in this article. […]