High Blood Pressure and Chiropractic

Raise your hand if you know someone taking drugs to lower their blood pressure. Well. That’s about 100%. We ALL know someone doing that. And, I guess we all know why. “Unresolved” chronic high blood pressure can supposedly cause stroke, congestive heart failure and kidney failure. In other words, modern Medicine must coerce people through […]

Drinking Hibiscus Tea May Significantly Cut Blood Pressure

For as long as you can remember, your doctor has probably tested your blood pressure on every visit. This medical test has become so commonplace that many patients barely notice. If you struggle with high blood pressure, however, you know that lowering those numbers may be challenging, and risk factors like heredity are beyond your […]

The Importance of Men’s Health Supplements

Men’s health supplements can target issues specific to males as well as promote general health and well-being. As such, more and more men are looking into vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural supplements to improve their health. Two of the main concerns for men as they get older are prostate health and impotence or low […]

Health Supplements – Vitamin E and Its Benefits

Are you vitamin E deficient? A lot of times, our doctors tell us we’re deficient in something we don’t even really know about. So, we take health supplements without even understanding why. What is vitamin E deficiency about? And why do we need vitamin E anyway? What benefits does it give our bodies? First and […]