Ganoderma Lucidum – The Healthiest Herb Known To Mankind Pharmalogical research shows that Ganoderma Lucidum herb has a calming and sedative effect on nervous system. It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia. In addition, this herb for nerves can also help you to improve sleep and appetite enhances vital energy improves memory and regain vitality All these with no […]

Fox News Ganoderma Lucidum reputed Cure-all Please forward to everyone in your YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and email address books. The internet is now the fastest way to get the word out. The FDA has not approved ganoderma lucidum for the treatment of any disease or medical condition, including diabetes, cancer, disease, illness, blood pressure, gout, prostrate problems, hair loss, inflammation, […]

Ganoderma As an Alternative Treatment For Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition characterized by joint pain and swelling. This disease is commonly manifested by people in the ages of 40 to 60 and is highly predominant among women. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the small joints in the human body such as the hands, feet and wrists. The hallmark symptom would include joint stiffness […]

Mr. Leow Soon Seng, Pioneer Mycoligist of ganoderma lucidum Bob Cline summarizes his impression of remarks of mr. Leow Soon Seng, Founder of Gano Excel at weekend events in his honor. The FDA has not approved ganoderma lucidum for the treatment of any disease or medical condition, including diabetes, cancer, disease, illness, blood pressure, gout, prostrate problems, hair loss, inflammation, viral or bacterial […]