Proven Cure to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally – 5 Herbs That Can Help You in Defeating Hypertension

Herbs. God’s own cure for many maladies. For thousands of years Herbalism has been practiced by many differing cultures and societies, from Native American “medicine men” to the writings of Hippocrates. “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”, yet many people want to forget these great natural remedies for circulatory system issues and […]

Interesting Facts About the Hawthorn Tree

While it may be hard to believe that a tree can be a member of the rose family, the Hawthorn tree is exactly that. Considered invaluable as a hedgerow, this tree also has many culinary and medicinal properties. Several varieties of the Hawthorn tree have developed over the years, but the original Hawthorn was historically […]

The Benefits of Hawthorn Berry

The hawthorn berry has been recognized as a prime source for advantageous nutrition since the 19th century. Hawthorn berries are native to the Mediterranean region and have been most popular in Europe. Hawthorn extract is commonly used as aroma therapy and is known for its benefits on the circulatory system. Primarily hawthorn berries and hawthorn […]