Natural Blood Pressure Remedies & Hypertension Treatment

First, The Causes There are many causes of high blood pressure. The blood pressure in normal individuals rises about one point each year until the seventh decade and then it usually levels off. Early in life, women usually have slightly lower blood pressure than men, but after the fourth decade this is reversed. A wide […]

Herbal Hypertension Treatments

Herbal treatments as a viable alternative to synthetic drug therapy for hypertension are being scrutinized more closely today than ever before. High blood pressure is a lifelong problem that requires lifetime treatment. Hypertension isn’t likely to just “go away.” You don’t “recover” from it like you do from a bad cold or the flu. People […]

Natural Alternatives to Treating ADHD

First always consult your doctor before giving any medication whatsoever. All medications have side effects and only your physician is qualified to prescribe medicines and treatments and to recommend dietary changes. We do not recommend any medications nor condone any treatments – only your doctor is qualified to do that. Parents who have children with […]

Blood Pressure: Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy and Acupuncture

The temptation with herbal medicines is to think that because they are natural substances they must therefore be safe. It is easy to forget that plants can do harm. Some herbal remedies may raise blood pressure or may interfere with the effect of conventional drugs. Liquorice and other herbal remedies used as diuretics promote sodium […]

10 Philippine Herbal Medicines Endorsed by the Department of Health

Herbal medicine is the use of leaves, barks, roots and flowers of plants for the treatment or prevention of ailments or the promotion of good health. Like China, the Philippines is another country long known for using herbal medicines long before its popularity in the west. In recent years, medical researchers, organizations, pharmaceutical companies and […]