Do You Know Causes of Hypertension?

The sustained elevation in your blood pressure can be caused by many factors these factors will be discussed in pharmacy online. These causes c may be, psychological or environmental factors. According to the factors that cause elevation in blood pressures, hypertension may be of the following types. ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION Most of the hypertensive population seems […]

Hypertension – The Relationship With Aspirin

Hypertension is a condition that currently affects many men and women, particularly as they age. Quite frequently following diagnosis by a physician, a person with this condition will be instructed to take a daily dosage of low dose aspirin. This type of medication has been used for some time now for people at risk for […]

Hypertension Causes and Treatments

High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a dangerous and deadly disease. Many people each year die from this disease because they never knew they were affected by it. Hypertension is considered to be present when a patient’s systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 mmHg or greater, and/or their diastolic blood pressure is consistently […]

Hypertension – Exploring Its Causes, Diagnosis, Complications and Management

Hypertension, otherwise known as high blood pressure, is a fairly common chronic disease in the community. In Singapore, about 1 in 5 adults is hypertensive, and this figure is set to rise as our population ages. It is often called a “silent killer” because most people do not experience any symptoms even when their blood […]

Controlling High Blood Pressure is in Your Hands

High blood pressure is the precursor to heart disease, but controlling high blood pressure lies within our own hands. The American Heart Association has said that heart disease is what most people die from in the United States. There are 2,600 people that die on a daily basis because of this disease. This means there […]