When Do the Kidneys Affect High Blood Pressure?

Kidneys affect high blood pressure due to certain imbalances while in the process of cleansing our body of about 50 gallons of fluid daily. Any imbalance will cause the filtering units of the kidneys called nephrons, to exert more effort than what is normally required. The nephrons will also reabsorb the filtered sodium and water […]

The Importance of Men’s Health Supplements

Men’s health supplements can target issues specific to males as well as promote general health and well-being. As such, more and more men are looking into vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural supplements to improve their health. Two of the main concerns for men as they get older are prostate health and impotence or low […]

Tips On Preventing Hypertension In Women

In women 45 years of age or older, sixty percent of Caucasian women and seventy-nine percent of African-American women have hypertension. It is estimated that thirty percent of elderly women over 65 years are diagnosed with isolated systolic hypertension. Therefore, as you age your risk of developing high blood pressure increases drastically. Although the risk […]

Oxytocin the Love Hormone vs Cortisol the Stress Hormone

www.india-herbs.com Oxytocin vs Cortisol Humans, have two opposing hormonal responses to stimuli. Threatening stimuli cause an increase of stress hormones called Adrenaline and Cortisol. Comforting or reassuring stimuli cause an increase in oxytocin. The fight or flight response triggered by a sudden threat or a stressful situation is associated with the hormone, Adrenaline. Adrenaline causes […]

A Simple Solution Of Diabetes Insulin

A Simple Solution Of Diabetes Insulin Article by Nick Diabetes is becoming more common in United Sates, with approximately 1 million new cases diagnosed each year. Despite the availability of treatment, diabetes has remained a major cause of death. Because insulin is the principal hormone that regulates uptake of glucose into most cells from the […]

Solutions to the Seven Most Common Sleep Myths-Part 2

www.deluxecomfort.com Myth #4: Health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and depression are unrelated to the quantity and quality of a person’s sleep. Fact: Studies have found a direct relationship between sleep and many health problems. Insufficient sleep affects growth hormone secretion that is linked to obesity. As the amount of hormone secretion decreases, the […]

How Hormones Influence Blood Pressure to Rise

Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body since they release certain cells that affect tissues, muscles, and organ cells. Hormones influence blood pressure, like in the case of our kidneys where the hormonal imbalance of insulin leads to a diabetic disorder that progresses with high blood pressure complications. If all the hormonal systems are […]

Juvenile Diabetes – Early Signs And Symptoms In Children

What are the early signs and symptoms of juvenile diabetes? Juvenile diabetes is having a sudden onset. The cause of juvenile diabetes is destruction of insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which changes the glucose in the energy needed by the body. The most common in […]