Hypertension – Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a persistent blood pressure above 90 mm Hg between the heart beats (diastolic) or over 140 mm Hg at the beats (systolic). The blood pressure varies naturally in response to stress and physical work load.Therefore the blood pressure shall be measured in a relaxed situation and several times before […]

High Blood Pressure – 4 Main Hypertension Causes

Several factors influence hypertension, however it must be fully understood that these factors change from person to person. Some people inherit high blood pressure genetically whereas others develop it from an unhealthy diet and weight gain. These hypertension causes are important to understand how they apply to each patient concerned about their blood pressure. Here […]

Hypertension Causes and Treatments

High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a dangerous and deadly disease. Many people each year die from this disease because they never knew they were affected by it. Hypertension is considered to be present when a patient’s systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 mmHg or greater, and/or their diastolic blood pressure is consistently […]

Hypertension – A Silent Killer

Hypertension in its simplest sense means ‘high blood pressure’. Medical science calls this condition, ‘arterial hypertension’, but hidden beneath the apparent simplicity of the term is the face of a silent killer. This silent killer can invariably trigger a heart attack, stroke, arterial aneurysm, eye damage, or a complete renal failure out of the blue, […]

Hypertension Causes and Consequences

Hypertension is a common health problem in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, approximately one in three American adults is afflicted with hypertension. Better known as high blood pressure to many, hypertension can be a major health risk if left untreated. The increased pressure in the arteries makes a patient more vulnerable […]