Fat Soluble Vitamins & Water Soluble Vitamins – What Your Body Really Needs

Aside from the vitamins we take as food supplement, our bodies also produce vitamins that are needed to perform several functions. In general, vitamins are grouped into water-soluble and fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluable while Vitamins B and C are soluble only in water. No matter whether a […]

Causes of Sudden High Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer

Depending on your daily activity, your blood pressure constantly changes. Unpredictable causes of sudden high blood pressure can also be related to your mental status or even the time of the day. In most cases, if your blood pressure has been stable for most of your life, a sudden onset of high blood pressure measurements […]

Charlie Sheen calls out President Obama, Winning with Tiger blood

Charlie Sheen addresses the President about 9/11 in a special video message, shortly after releasing his “20 Minutes with the President,” specifically addressing 20 key points that need to be answered by a truly independent investigation. Sheen’s message is a call to action, not only for President Obama to address the pertinent issues, but for […]

Homeopathic Hypertension Treatment – No More Drugs!

One of the most common sense ways to use a homeopathic hypertension treatment is through a diet filled with fruits and vegetables. It is now completely evident and very well documented that eating natures’ delights is not only delicious, but the real method to solving so many of our health issues. In a society filled […]

Vitamins That Are Good For Getting Pregnant

With the rise in older couples trying to become pregnant, there has also been a marked increase in fertility issues. Women’s bodies are at their prime during their early twenties on up to the thirties, but after that, pregnancy can seem an elusive challenge. However, with hormone therapies, women have more choices than ever. But […]

Hypertension Causes and Treatments

High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a dangerous and deadly disease. Many people each year die from this disease because they never knew they were affected by it. Hypertension is considered to be present when a patient’s systolic blood pressure is consistently 140 mmHg or greater, and/or their diastolic blood pressure is consistently […]