Treatment of Renal Disease – Hypertension

The treatment of renal disease includes drug therapy and nutritional therapy. To prevent renal insufficiency from deteriorating further, the treatment is designed to control hypertension with antihypertensive drugs and sodium and fluid restrictions. Usually, a physician will prescribe an ACE inhibitor or a calcium channel blocker to control your patient’s hypertension. He also may prescribe […]

Kidney Disease and Diabetes in the Elderly

The kidneys are two fist-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. They filter your blood in order to rid the body of impurities that can cause damage to your body. Kidneys also work to control blood pressure and produce hormones critical to bodily function. Kidneys are comprised of smaller structures called nephrons which […]

Type 2 Diabetes – Kidney Damage and High Blood Pressure!

The most serious complication of diabetes involving the urinary tract is nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy is kidney damage that occurs in 20 to 30% of people with type 2 diabetes. If no action is taken to stop it, this condition can progress to end-stage renal disease. 80% of all people with end-stage renal disease have Type […]