Why Are the Omega Three Oils Good Brain Food?

The Omega three oils, or what are sometimes known as the Omega three essential fatty acids, are important to good health. It is now recognized that a deficiency of the essential fatty acids in our diet can have serious health consequences. Many people are aware that more Omega three fats in your diet can help […]

Hypertension and Stroke – The Silent Killers

Stroke is a leading cause of deaths in the United States and the world. The relationship between hypertension and stroke is close. During blood circulation, the process exerts pressure in the arterial walls. Hypertension increases this pressure, even when the person is not doing any strenuous physical activity. This condition is a major cause of […]

Blood Pressure and Heart Size in Athletes

In 1976, 413 high school runners in Finland competed in a 2000-meter race. At the time of the race and in a follow-up study twenty-five years later, the faster runners had much lower blood pressures than the slower ones (International Journal of Sports Medicine, July-August 2005.) The researchers wanted to know whether a maximal endurance […]