Herbal Hypertension Treatments

Herbal treatments as a viable alternative to synthetic drug therapy for hypertension are being scrutinized more closely today than ever before. High blood pressure is a lifelong problem that requires lifetime treatment. Hypertension isn’t likely to just “go away.” You don’t “recover” from it like you do from a bad cold or the flu. People […]

People consuming the most potassium were 35% less liikely to die from coronary heart disease

fatnews.com Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ FatNews.com. The one-fifth of people consuming the most potassium were 35% less likely to die from coronary heart disease than the one-fifth of people consuming the least. The top one-fifth consumed an average of 3363 mg of potassium per day versus 1720 mg per day for the bottom […]

Hypertension – 7 Steps to Normal Blood Pressure Without Using Drugs

As high blood pressure sufferers it pays dividends in terms of our health to know what risk factors we can control and those that we cannot. Our age and genetic make-up are obviously beyond our control; however, following these seven steps will lead us along the drug free road to the heaven of not having […]

Support High Blood Pressure, Hypertension Naturally

There is a wide variety of nutritional supplements available to support high blood pressure naturally, but first we must understand the magnitude of the problem and what are the most likely causes of hypertension in the US. According to recent estimates, about one in three U.S. adults has Hypertension, but because there are no symptoms, […]

Saving Money on Diabetic Testing Supplies

Everyone knows that diabetic testing supplies are expensive and since diabetes is a chronic condition, it means that your expenses are most likely the same each year. It’s natural that you want to do everything possible to cut down your cost in managing the said disease better and more efficiently. Saving money on blood glucose […]

High Blood Pressure Causes – Why Do You Get High Blood Pressure?

There are many high blood pressure causes but nearly all of them can be remedied. In this article, I’ll break down the causes so you can see how you can cure yourself of what doctors call the “silent killer”. Narrowing Of The Arteries The ultimate cause of high blood pressure is a simple biological and […]

The Dangers of High Blood Pressure and How You Can Avoid Them

High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension as it is also known, is a condition whereby the subject exhibits persistently elevated blood pressure level above the normal 120/80 mm Hg. High blood pressure is always alarming, especially if we will consider the perils that are possible during the period of elevated measurement. An episode of hypertension […]

High Blood Pressure Medications For Stage 2 Hypertension

Having a systolic pressure of 160 or higher or a diastolic pressure of 100 or higher, or possessing both readings to be high; you have stage 2 high blood pressure. In such scenarios, you will most likely require to take a minimum of at least two common medications upon starting your treatment. Similarly to stage […]