Caution on use of ACE inhibitors in First Trimester (Aug 06)

A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that ACE inhibitors, which are widely used to treat hypertension, may be associated with an increased risk of major congenital malformations when used by women during the first trimester of pregnancy. The labeling for ACE inhibitors already states that these drugs can produce major […]

High Blood Pressure and Diet – Preventing Hypertension Through a Diet Low in Sodium and Fats

Hypertension refers to the increase in blood pressure. It is a chronic medical condition leading to damages in your major organs like the kidneys, heart and even the brain. Previously, the condition was only common among the older population. However, with the prevalence of deleterious lifestyle choices such as smoking, poor diet and decreased physical […]

Why Minerals Are Important For Good Health

Just like you need vitamins, your body also requires minerals. This article will focus on the importance of minerals and their natural sources. Minerals are essential constitutes of cells and they form the greater part of bones, teeth and nails, and maintenance of acid base equilibrium. They are necessary for secretion of gland. They regulate […]

Diabetes Food Pyramid-Good Planning Tips

Diabetes Food Pyramid-Good Planning Tips Article by Bryon Zirker WHAT IS DIABETES? WHY DO WE NEED TO SLASH DOWN OUR SUGAR INTAKE? We might not enjoy our favorite sweet product if this major ingredient of sugar is not found in our favorite junk food of choice.Following a Diabetes Food Pyramid would likely be recommended.When glucose […]

Blood Pressure – Finding Natural Ways to Alleviate High Blood Pressure

My grandfather who lived 101 years old had often said “Your health is more important than your wealth”. He always reminded us to take care of your body particularly as you age. His perspective was if you invest into your health with daily exercise, a good healthy diet, you should stay fit and healthy for […]