Nitric Oxide Supplements – What Happens To Your Muscles When You Take These Supplements?

Bodybuilders, both hard core and those who are more laid back have been looking for different products they can use in conjunction with their workout routines and special diet to push their workout efforts to the next level. One of the newest items on the market that is gaining popularity is L-arginine, otherwise known as […]

Mens Vitamins

Mens vitamins include special supplements specifically designed for men, particularly older men who are approaching what is commonly referred to as male menopause. The medical name for male menopause is hypogonadism. As men get older, they begin to experience deficiencies in certain nutrients that take their toll on their bodies as well as their mind. […]

Benefits of Nitric Oxide For Bodybuilders

When enzymes in the body break down the amino acid called L-arginine and convert it to L-citruline, a gas called Nitric Oxide (NO) is formed. This gas helps increase blood flow, getting more nutrients to body organs and muscles. For bodybuilders, this is important knowledge to have. Muscles need nutrients in order to grow properly. […]

The Benefits of Taking Nitric Oxide Supplements

Nitric-Oxide is a natural chemical compound that is known to increase blood flow and is also responsible for vaso-dilatation and oxygen delivery. It protects the heart and improves muscular fullness, so body builders may benefit a lot from using nitric oxide supplements. Properties of Nitric Oxide Being a great vaso-dilator, Nitric-Oxide pumps oxygen into the […]