Natural Blood Pressure Remedies & Hypertension Treatment

First, The Causes There are many causes of high blood pressure. The blood pressure in normal individuals rises about one point each year until the seventh decade and then it usually levels off. Early in life, women usually have slightly lower blood pressure than men, but after the fourth decade this is reversed. A wide […]

Natural Blood Pressure Remedies – Cure High Blood Pressure Naturally

Are you one of the millions of people who regularly take prescription medications for hypertension? You may be shocked when you learn why natural blood pressure remedies are much healthier than prescription drugs. You can actually cure high blood pressure using all natural methods, and your health will be greatly improved. Here is a little […]

Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs? 4 Common Myths

Lower blood pressure without drugs? Back in the “good old days” most people would hardly have given it a thought. They just took the medications prescribed by their doctors and got on with their lives. Side effects and unknown risks were just a necessary evil: “better than the alternative” in other words. But people nowadays […]