Vitamins For A Fatty Liver Disease Diet – The Controversy

Vitamins for a fatty liver disease diet have been a topic of debate when it comes to the best way to reduce fat in your liver. Some vitamins and minerals are great for the liver in certain quantities, but can be extremely harmful in excess. Others can be beneficial and liver friendly, but they can […]

Hypertension and Fast Food – My Experiment With Blood Pressure Levels

As a massage therapist my schedule can be very crazy as I can burn the oil at both ends of the day. So I decided to specifically monitor both my food and sleep patterns specifically for a recent two week time span. First, I noticed that that four of seven days I was eating “out” […]

Diabetic Symptoms & Signs of Diabetes in Toddlers – What to Do Next

If signs of diabetes in are timely detected then there are many options that may help to control this chronic condition. This will also ensure that spent a healthy, happy and normal childhood. The number of diagnosed cases of diabetes in toddlers is increasing day by day. So if you are noticing signs of diabetes […]