SunTech Medical’s Oscar 2(TM) Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Selected by Intermountain Healthcare

MORRISVILLE, N.C. (PRWEB) July 28, 2008 The SunTech Oscar 2 is the only ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) with both BHS and International Protocol validations and delivers the robust level of clinical reporting that the staff at the Intermountain Medical Center requires. The monitors will be used at the J.L. Sorenson Heart and Lung Center […]

Lower limb fasciotomy – Compartment syndrome

Compartment syndrome is the compression of nerves, blood vessels, and muscle inside a closed space (compartment) within the body. This leads to tissue death This is a 24 years old patient with history of a traumatic fracture of his femur, he was transferred from another hospital and when he arrived to our hospital in Quito-Ecuador […]

High Blood Pressure and Prolonged Illnesses

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition, which increases the chances of developing many diseases and other conditions. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to prolonged illnesses and even death. Hypertension is a leading cause of strokes, heart attacks, aneurysms, heart failure and chronic renal failure. There are essentially two […]

Understanding Severe High Blood Pressure

Severe high blood pressure is the condition in which the systolic pressure reading is greater than 180mmHg and the diastolic pressure reading is greater than 120mmHg. When the blood pressure of a person reaches this point, the body becomes more susceptible to internal damage. The increase in pressure can rupture the blood vessels, cause brain […]

Natural Remedies and Control of Hypertension

Natural remedies for controlling hypertension rely on the patient’s ability to monitor his own blood pressure so that the individual is well informed about the rise or fall of the readings. Indeed a person whose blood pressure is high ought to keep a journal of his daily readings. The Sphygmomanometer aka “sphyg” is the common […]

The Blood Pressure Oracle – How Accurate is the Result of an Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor?

Quite often I have received letters with statements like “My doctor says that all digital machines are inaccurate and that only a doctor or an experienced nurse can take blood pressure accurately”. It is difficult to give an answer to such a statement without offending someone. There are still some people who believe that the […]