High Blood Pressure Remedies You Can Use Without a Drug Prescription

Discovering that you have hypertension can be a devastating thing accept. While learned all the diet and lifestyle changes you will need to make, it can be tempting to want to solve the problem by taking drugs. From how it can takes years to discover, the lifestyle changes that can reverse the damage, comparing drugs […]

HauntedFace: iPhone App ??

Available on the App Store. itunes.apple.com Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com HauntedFace turns your face to a range of scary ghosts, moving and screaming in 3D. Touching the screen makes ghosts transform to another shapes and masks. Shaking toggles the face between normal picture and 3D ghosts. You can upload ghost images you created to Facebook/Twitter […]

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure – Lower Your BP the Natural Ways

There are several possible causes of having high blood pressure and this can occur to individuals at any age and status. This could be a deadly medical condition or can cause a certain individual to be paralyzed and disabled. On the other hand, there are also treatments and medications that are made available for this […]

Understanding the Purpose of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are an integral part of our daily lives, yet people quite often overlook them. However, by eating a healthy diet people should get the necessary daily supply. Sometimes though, even by eating good, wholesome food, a person can be still be lacking in their intake. A good way to overcome this is […]

New Hope For People With Kidney Disease and on Dialysis

For more info visit www.newsinfusion.com March 11, 2010 – As the US population ages and the incidence of diabetes and high blood pressure rises, the number of end-stage renal (kidney) disease patients receiving dialysis is expected to increase dramatically in coming years. Kidney dialysis is a life-saving treatment, with one major problem: it requires repeated […]

Drinking Water – Does it Lower Blood Pressure?

Sometimes when reading tips for reducing blood pressure, drinking water is recommended. However, authority websites including the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and the Mayo Clinic do not mention drinking water, when discussing treatments and lifestyle changes for hypertension. Why should some articles say that drinking water lowers blood pressure? The idea that drinking […]

People consuming the most potassium were 35% less liikely to die from coronary heart disease

fatnews.com Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ FatNews.com. The one-fifth of people consuming the most potassium were 35% less likely to die from coronary heart disease than the one-fifth of people consuming the least. The top one-fifth consumed an average of 3363 mg of potassium per day versus 1720 mg per day for the bottom […]

Health & Nutrition : Foods Not to Eat When You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

People with rheumatoid arthritis should be evaluated to determine which foods to avoid, as each individual’s reaction to certain foods will vary. Find out which foods to avoid when arthritis can be affected with information from a registered and licensed dietitian in this free video on healthy eating. Video Rating: 0 / 5