Exercise to Help High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has the distinction of being known as a silent killer. This is because people suffering from hypertension show may not show any outward signs of this ailment. And, whether it’s poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress or just some sort of genetic hiccup, the average American’s blood pressure is shooting higher and higher […]

Reverse Your High Blood Pressure To Normal

Hey, do you know that untreated high blood pressure can damage your cerebral tissues, which can cause you convulsions, ataxia or impaired speech among other terrible diseases? High blood pressure can also rapture tiny blood vessels and cause brain haemorrhage. High blood pressure usually results from lifestyle: ingesting lots of cholesterol and carbohydrate through wrong […]

The Reticulated Python. survivor Cretaceous

— English — The name python comes from a mythical giant serpent in Greek mythology. Pythons are primitive snakes that, like their close relatives the boas, still show signs of lizard ancestry. Pythons have traces of a pelvis and two tiny spurlike hind limbs, usually better developed in the male. They also have two functioning […]

Hypertension and Social Economic Status

Social status, prestige, all these are connected with an individual. Sometimes it is acquired or sometimes it comes with the birth. Social status comes with family background, money, position and ethnic family. To reach the social status as others, we earn, earn and earn, we don’t understand how to gain. Middle class people complete their […]

Blood Pressure Too Low? Rosemary Could Be The Answer

Rudolf Weiss, the German herbalist, has some interesting ideas on low blood pressure. He describes it as being simply an aspect of a more deep seated problem. He also believes that when people have low blood pressure but no symptoms, that it does not require treatment. I do not suggest that this should replace your […]

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements For Alcoholics

Alcohol destroys more that it builds. That is why the addicts suffer health problems and cause worry to those who love them. A negative impact of drinking excessively is diminished body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Most people understand why these nutrients are useful to the body on a daily basis. They facilitate the […]

A Cayenne Pepper Diet Could Be Good For Your Heart – Official

Recent medical research has disclosed a fact of which herbalists have long been aware: that the ingredient in chilli peppers that makes them taste hot can reduce your blood pressure. Actually, the research was on genetically hypertensive rats but herbalists as well as the thousands of loyal users know that chilli pepper compounds, also known […]

Vitamins to Help With Muscle Cramps

These agonizing muscular spasms usually affect the legs, feet and the hand. The muscles contract suddenly, causing severe pain that can last for several minutes. Such people as athletes and gardeners, who use certain muscles all the time, often suffer from it. If a cramp is caused by working conditions, compensation may be applicable in […]