Natural Blood Pressure Control – How to Control Hypertension With Natural Methods

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can be quite aptly referred to as the ‘silent killer’ because there are generally no symptoms or warning signs to indicate to you that you have a health problem. It may be a case of recognizing the symptoms of another health issue, that you will then find you also have […]

Proven Steps to Help Lower High Blood Pressure – Diet and Exercise Tips For Hypertension

Here are proven effective steps to control hypertension. These steps are basically related to your diet and exercise that are very helpful to lower high blood pressure. The first thing that even doctors recommend is to cut specific foods out of your diet. These foods include: fried foods, salt, junk foods, sugar, and other refined […]

About Hypertension Supplements

High blood pressure has been known to be treated with the use of hypertension supplements, often done with supervision of a professional medical practitioner. There are many causes to hypertension. Though none are necessarily distinctive, some situations have been connected to this condition. Some factors, such as, being overweight, lack of exercise, smoking, too much […]

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure – Garlic – The Hypertension Killer

High blood pressure is a killer. That is a fact. The prescription medications you need to take are nasty and have a ton of side effects. That is also a fact. There are many natural remedies for blood pressure (BP) that will reduce the need for prescription pills, and garlic is among them. Thankfully, also […]

Help Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

Nearly a third of all Americans have high blood pressure. Many of these people take prescription medications. But the side effects of these medications are often as bad as the illness they’re supposed to cure! These side effects include impotence, sleeplessness, fatigue, dry mouth, leg cramps, depression, dizziness, constipation–the list goes on and on. How […]