Qigong Research Society qigongresearchsociety.com Master Faxiang Hou

A Master of Medical QiGong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, FaXiang Hou is the fifth generation of his family to practices a unique and powerful form of healing known as “Ching Loong San Dian Xue Mi Gong Fa.” Fibromyalgia, back pain , herniated disc, infertility, fertility, migraines,headaches. Menopause, Prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarion cancer , chemotheraphy […]

Natural Remedies Enlarged Prostate Part 1

www.balancedhealthtoday.com www.balancedhealthtoday.com Treatment may involve antibiotics, medications to shrink or relax the prostate or bladder, soaking in a warm tub of water and frequent ejaculation. The goal is to avoid reaching the point of urinary retention, where one cant urinate at all. Patients suffering from an enlarged prostate and who do not have kidney inflammation, […]

Enlarged Prostate Health Supplements: Do Yours Have This "Magic" Ingredient?

You can’t swing a bat anymore without hitting yet another round of enlarged prostate health supplements online or offline. But, I have noticed some of them are missing a key nutrient. One that, if you don’t get enough of it, you will likely never have optimal prostate health. Which nutrient is that? Zinc. Zinc is […]

Prostate Cancer & Endothelin: PMAP

www.proteolysis.org Endothelin-converting enzyme-1 is involved in the proteolytic processing of endothelin-1 (EDN1; MIM 131240), -2 (EDN2; MIM 131241), and -3 (EDN3; MIM 131242) to biologically active peptides. http Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. It occurs when cells of the prostate mutate […]

Ayurstate for Prostate Care (Part 2) – Benefits, How it Works, 250 Synergistic Activities

www.ayurstate.com When you take Ayurstate capsules, you are costuming the highest concentration possible of 50 natural phytonutrients that exert 250 synergistic activities on your body to decrease the size of your prostate and reduce urethra inflammation by re-establishing healthy estrogen-testosterone balance, inhibiting conversion of testosterone to DHT, preventing protein deposits in prostate ducts, toning your […]