Plants Absorb Nutrients by Several Diverse Methods

When plants photosynthesise, they utilise carbon dioxide and water and convert to carbohydrate and oxygen with the aid of sunlight energy. They also require mineral nutrients. Without certain minerals, plants would show deficiencies such as leaf drying, discolouration, wilting and bud death. It is a lot like the human requirement for minerals. Without certain minerals […]

Mango Fruit | Mango Nutrition Mango fruit came from India around the border with Burma; mango fruits have spread to Southeast Asia at least since the year 1500 the set. Mango fruit is also known in various local languages, such as mempelam (Malaya), poh (java), pelem, and others. Mango fruit have various shapes, sizes, colors, and taste. The form […]

Rare Minerals From the Greenland Minerals Deposits

The vast and growing potential of Greenland energy and Greenland Minerals is starting to get noticed by all the largest names in the international energy sector. Global mining exploration is also evolving quite rapidly in that companies try to locate new mineral deposits. Greenland minerals are now one of the best commodities as the deposits […]