Should I Replace My Digital Blood Pressure Monitor Every So Often to Ensure Accuracy?

Gone are the days when you have to master the use of aneroid blood pressure monitor. Today, there are now digital blood pressure monitors that can make monitoring work easier for people. One issue with this new monitor is its durability and reliability. Aneroid monitors can be calibrated time and again to ensure that they […]

Four Clinical Studies Prove Cayenne Pepper Kills Cancer Cells

Did you know cayenne pepper has been documented as capable of destroying cancer cells? Who has reported this? None other than the American Association of Cancer Research. This should be reported in the American media but endless celebrity stories about Paris Hilton or the Conan O’Brien/NBC feud are judged more important. With the stranglehold that […]

Stress and Hypertension – Does Anxiety Cause High Blood Pressure?

Stress and hypertension are linked together. It has always been pretty much agreed upon in the medical community that being nervous raises blood pressure readings. So, it figures that being in an anxious state a good deal of the time could cause hypertension. I am not a doctor and I didn’t sleep in any motel […]

Turmeric For Diabetes – Diagnosis, Control and Prevention

Diabetes is quite common in today’s society where it’s estimated that over 60% of adults are, at minimum, overweight. Diabetes quite serious and the worse case scenario, although quite rare, is death. There are many more short and long term common complications with diabetes, short term complications include excessive thirst, dehydration and drowsiness whilst long […]

Weight Loss Diet Pills – How Much Weight Can You Lose? At What Cost?

The diet pill I’m referring to is Duromine. I’ve had my own weight loss on Duromine, I’ve written this article to share my experiences with you. First I’ll start with a brief explanation of what Duromine is and the possible side effects of it, then follow with my own Duromine experience. What is Duromine? Duromine […]