Hypertension – High Blood Pressure and Stress Relief

Hypertension is a hidden?danger which effects millions of people. If you have been diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure you will have received a lot of medical information about it but you may still be feeling there is a lot more to know. There are lots of information available about how to treat it […]

Proven Steps to Help Lower High Blood Pressure – Diet and Exercise Tips For Hypertension

Here are proven effective steps to control hypertension. These steps are basically related to your diet and exercise that are very helpful to lower high blood pressure. The first thing that even doctors recommend is to cut specific foods out of your diet. These foods include: fried foods, salt, junk foods, sugar, and other refined […]

Is Bikram Yoga Safe For High Blood Pressure?

Bikram is said to have wonderful effects on people suffering from high blood pressure levels. It is believed to normalize the pressure of blood over time, which makes it an excellent alternative to medication. Caution should be used though by people suffering from hypertension when practicing hot yoga. Hot Yoga has been proven to be […]

Seven Qigong Practices for Hypertension #2

In treating hypertension, the second qigong/chi kung practice I recommend: Increase your exposure to sunlight. Sunlight regulates much of our bodily functions: sleeping patterns, moods, immune system, stress levels and resulting blood pressure. What happens when there is not enough sunlight entering our eyes? The body becomes tired and lethargic. Growth in children is affected […]

Will Exercise Lower Or Raise Your Blood Sugar Levels?

Since receiving your diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, there is no doubt you have heard about the benefit of exercise. Too little activity leads to weight gain and contributes to insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels. Your muscles store glucose and when you are inactive, glucose remains unused in your muscles and therefore no […]

How to Lower High Blood Pressure – Are There Natural High Blood Pressure Cures?

How to lower high blood pressure? Can it be done? Yes. But don’t I need to take lots of pills? Well, you might do … but, there are also ways that you can lower? it? naturally. And not only will they help to reduce your hypertension, they are likely to help make you a healthier […]