Krill Oil – The Most Potent Form of Omega Oils on Earth

The benefits of taking a fish oil supplement have long been known, but the discovery of krill oil and its superior benefits are well worth considering. Krill is a natural shrimp-like crustacean found primarily in the Southern Ocean in the cold Antarctic waters. Krill live on phytoplankton and in turn are eaten by whales, seals, […]

Desiccated thyroid (Armour) is superior to synthetic thyroid hormones for treating hypothyroidism

Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ This is from Mark Starr, MD’s book Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic. Dr. Starr also notes that that desiccated thyroid (Armour) is much more effective than synthetic thyroid hormones. Here is what he wrote on page 164. A recent book by Sanford Siegal, DO, MD, entitled […]