How to Lower High Blood Pressure With Food Rich in Potassium and Calcium

Hypertension or high blood pressure disease is sometimes known as the “Silent Killer”, because it often has no symptoms at all until something bad happens. To prevent you from this disease, you should be aware of the foods you eat, and I recommend food rich in potassium and calcium, because it can help control your […]

Hypertension – A Silent Killer

Hypertension in its simplest sense means ‘high blood pressure’. Medical science calls this condition, ‘arterial hypertension’, but hidden beneath the apparent simplicity of the term is the face of a silent killer. This silent killer can invariably trigger a heart attack, stroke, arterial aneurysm, eye damage, or a complete renal failure out of the blue, […]

High Blood Pressure Dizziness – Don’t Fall Victim to the Silent Killer

There are several risk factors that are known to contribute to high blood pressure. More so, millions of Americans fall victim to the disease simply because they aren’t aware of these factors and continue to live unhealthy life- styles. High blood pressure is difficult to detect, in most cases, because there are little to no […]