Best CoQ10 Brands – Aren’t They All the Same?

Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10 as it is commonly known, is said to be one of the top supplements recommended by Doctors and Foundational Health Professionals as an antioxidant and heart strengthening nutrient. Hundred of studies have been done on this supplement by more than 2,000 scientists across the world. With the many different suppliers of […]

Suzy Cohen discusses CoQ10 versus Ubiquinol. The winner is?

Suzy Cohen, America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist. Why statin cholesterol drugs, estrogen-containing drugs, diabetics medications, blood pressure pills and other prescribed medicine STEAL your CoQ10 and Ubiquinol. How that can cause leg cramps, muscle aches, cardiac arrhythmias, fatigue, shortness of breath and many other problems.   Video Rating: 4 / 5