Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure-HBP With Vitamin B

Importance of various vitamins and minerals to keep proper health condition is well known and the recommended daily allowance of them is the only discussion about. B vitamin group, actually eight B vitamins and few other related substances, is essential for the body to perform a multitude of functions. B complex vitamin is taken as […]

Essential Vitamins & Minerals to Keep Acne at Bay – Vitamins A, B, C, E

Vitamins are needed for your body to function as God decrees. Lacking in certain vitamins such as vitamin A (vitamin A itself, not it’s derivatives) has found to be causes of acne. Remember that excess vitamins will become toxic in your body. (well, except vitamin C which will be passed out as expensive urine) Since […]

Vitamins That Regrow Hair – Quickest Treatments For Thinning Hair Sufferers

Taking vitamins can benefit your body in more ways than one, especially if you’re a hair loss sufferer. There are certain vitamins for hair growth that have been proven to promote hair growth in a safe and effective way. The four main ones you should know about as far as regrowing hair is concerned are […]

Super B Complex Vitamin – The Different Types of B Vitamins

There is a wide range of B vitamins that are necessary to maintain all bodily functions working properly. All B vitamins are important for a range of diverse processes. Without sufficient B vitamins the blood supply would not be healthy and this will lead to various diseases and disorders. To function properly the brain needs […]

Some Useful Vitamins that Lower Blood Sugar

Certain vitamins and minerals have been found beneficial in lowering blood sugar and thus useful in the treatment of diabetes. Vitamin B complex – Vitamins of the B group are valuable in the treatment of diabetes. Despite and adequate intake of these vitamins, diabetics often have abnormally small amounts of vitamin B in their blood […]