What Vitamins Improve Libido and Boost the Female Sexual Life

You might be asking, “What vitamins improve libido?” Indeed if you would want to obtain higher performance and achievement in bed, there should be something that you can take to significantly enhance your libido as a woman as this will not just boost your sexual energy but will as well affect your confidence. What vitamins […]

B Vitamins Play an Essential Role in Metabolism

B vitamins were once thought of as a single vitamin called Vitamin B.?After much research, we discovered there are actually 8 distinct vitamins.?Further research has also concluded that B vitamins are water soluble, which means that they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be consistently consumed through?our diet.?B Vitamins have often […]

Feel Younger With These Anti Aging Vitamins

Would you be interested in a line of products that can actually make you feel and act younger? You probably won’t see this product line on late night infomercials, but let me introduce them to you. They are the “B” Vitamins, a readily available collection of anti aging vitamins. This group of water-soluble vitamins is […]

Vitamins and Minerals and Their Roles

Usually, vitamins and minerals are obtained through food consumption but there are other ways like taking multivitamin supplements. Listed below are the most common classifications of vitamins and minerals and their roles and the foods that are rich with these elements. Vitamins There are two types of vitamins. These are the water-soluble and the fat-soluble […]

Fatigue Fighting Vitamins and Herbs

Fatigue is mental and physical tiredness where the person has no energy or enthusiasm to do anything. Fatigue is often the result of continual illness, stress, overworking, worry or periods of emotional upheaval. It can be the symptom of many illnesses, including anaemia and infections. Chronic fatigue can be greatly improved by eating foods that […]

Vitamins and Their Role in Our Lives

Vitamins, like minerals, are an essential part of the function and health of the body system. While many vitamins serve individual purposes, the more common way for vitamins to function properly is as cofactors to or in partnership with other vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other substances in the body such as enzymes. Some of the […]